
Secrets to Winning Sales Presentations

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $20.00.

Effectively demonstrate you’re the perfect solution for your prospect’s needs.

Belize dollar ($) - BZD
  • Belize dollar ($) - BZD

A wise salesperson knows that closing isn’t really about the product. It’s about your relationship with the client—and how well you can demonstrate that your solution will make their life better. In this course, you’ll learn to connect potential clients to a solution that works for them—while generating more sales and happy customers. You’ll review proposal development, effective presentation techniques, the importance of storytelling and narrative to your sale, and some common mistakes to avoid when demonstrating the value of your product or service.

lessons  6 Lessons
duration  2 Hrs
delivery mode  Online / Self-Paced
  Certificate Available
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